1·Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.
2·To lower or add calories, increase quantity of foods.
3·They did their very best to increase quantity and variety of their products.
4·Surfactant flooding can reduce injection pressure increase quantity, and can improve the efficiency of flooding, can effectively solve the problems existing in the water.
5·The development of sharing economy has resulted in the number and variety of sharing bikes to increase in quantity.
6·Your goal with strategic planning is to reorganize your initiatives and actions to increase the quantity and quality of your results.
7·We are, of course, all aware of the steady increase, in both quantity and quality, of online learning applications-worldwide-in the higher education and corporate training sectors.
8·What evidence does Bernoulli have for this preposterous assumption, for his assertion that an increase in utility will be "inversely proportionate to the quantity of goods already possessed"?
9·At six months, caregivers should introduce foods in small amounts and gradually increase the quantity as the child gets older.
10·They can greatly increase the quantity and quality of results they want by ceasing to be scattered and focusing on what makes them move faster.